I very much enjoy painting, but don't consider myself a painter because thematically and conceptually [with the exception of a few works] I've largely kept up with it in parallele with the rest of my practice. As a committed dilettante, I use it to work out ideas and stay flexible. I guess it's kind of like how I carry a largely unused pocket sketchbook around everywhere, I use it to remind myself that I'm a producer of not just ideas, but things; and that there needs to be some sort of evidence or reside or medium through which to communicate. And, admittedly, I'm probably as seduced by objects as anyone else.


an old painting studio [from 2006]

These pulley paintings (above) allude to the dynamics of relationships. How the string hangs and acts on the pully represents the extent or nature to whitch a relationship has changed, stretched, twisted or tangled (dimensions are approximate)

painting archive, these works from 2003 & before"

oil on paper, 24 x 12""

3 x 2 1/2', oil on board

oil on board, 24 x 14"

oil on board, 20 x 48"

oil on canvas, 20 x 30"

2 x 2', oil, acrylic, liquid nails on board

2 x 2', oil, acrylic, liquid nails caulk, ink, on board

36 x 44", oil, acrylic, red wine

2 x 2', oil, acrylic on board

12 x 14", oil on board

3 1/2 x 2', mixed media on paper

3 1/2 x 3', oil, acrylic on canvas

16 x 22", oil on board

3 x 4', oil, acrylic

3 x 4 1/2', oil, acrylic

2 x 3", oil on board